Agri test
Agri Stack is the digital foundation being set up by the government to make it easier to bring various stakeholders together to improve agriculture in India and enable better outcomes and results for the farmers by using data and digital services.
What is Agri stack
Evolved from the thinking of the InDEA 2.0 Architecture by MeitY Agri Stack is being built by the Ministry of Agriculture amp Farmers Welfare in an open manner with a federated structure – keeping States at the center of the design ensuring partici
Two-thirds of the food consumed globally is produced by 500 million smallholders. Yet, these small farms struggle with low productivity and income, vulnerability to climate change, poor access to information on practices that could help enhance their
The AgriPath Project
Responsible Digital Innovation
AgriPath embeds the results and insights from action research into implementation and aims to scale sustainable agriculture by identifying, evaluating, and promoting digitally supported agricultural advisory services. AgriPath is designed around one
Digital Agriculture Week 2024
A group of scientists from the University of Lausanne (HEC) aims to employ behavioral science to comprehend the factors that facilitate or hinder the diffusio
Digital Innovation Name: Smart Health Tracker
The Smart Health Tracker is an AI-powered healthcare solution designed to monitor and analyze a patient's health healthcare more accessible, efficient, and proactive for users worldwide.