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Climate Tech


ClimateTech includes solutions with the potential to address global warming and its environmental effects, explicitly novel technologies.

Sustainable Food Solutions


Since 2020 2,450 startups have competed in the challenge with over 200 being connected to MassChallenge’s partners.

Step Towards Healthcare Using Waste


As the greater threat of climate change looms, people like Rajiv Kumar Sharma are leading a revolution from their kitchen worktops.

Reduce Waste with Digital Invitations and Mindful Decor


Digital invitations: Ditch the paper invitations and opt for digital ones instead. This is a great way to save money and reduce paper waste.

Embrace Sustainable Practices


Be mindful of food waste when planning your wedding menu. Opt for seasonal and local ingredients, and choose dishes that can be easily composted. You can also talk to your caterer about portion control or donate leftover food to shelters.

Environment-safe transistor developed in India


Researchers at Shiv Nadar university in Delhi-NCR have developed a new high performance, organic field-effect transistor (OEFT). They claim the transistor to be a revolution in the field of agriculture, with a touch of sustainability. India is a larg